Instrumental Distribution Amati Copy
A Beautiful Chinese Amati Copy—comes as a fully-equipped outfit
Octagon Bass!
The “Octagon” Bass!
One of my students claimed that it was actually a Dodecahedron… This bass measure out to normal 3/4 dimensions; it is set up and playable. Probably made in the late 40s by a clever craftsman, the original endpin was held in by a shim of a 1950 Sears Catalog.
Anonymous German Double Bass
Anonymous German Bass with gamba corners
Alban O. Schmidt Double Bass
I named this bass “Donny,” for the man I bought it from, Donny LaPlant. Donny was a very talented folk/old timey guitarist and singer. Sadly, he passed away from a brain tumor a few years back…
Krutz 600 Double Bass
Krutz 600 Double Bass from K.C. Strings. Chromatic “C”Extension.
Meisel Double Bass
Affordable 7/8ths size bass, made in East Germany.
Emanuel Wilfer Double Bass
Gorgeous workmanship in the modern German bass!
Andreas Morelli Double Bass
Andreas Morelli 100-year-old + Double Bass. Violin corners, custom tailpiece, and this bass is a real cannon!
Herold Jäger
Herold Jäger 1930s gamba-cornered bass.
John Juzek Double Bass
This is a consignment bass in my shop. In my opinion, the owner is asking a very modest price, considering that this instrument is made in Germany (or Czechia) and it has a fingered “C” extension.