Emanuel Wilfer Master Series Bass
Instrumental Distribution Fully Carved DaPadova (Newer Model)
Instrumental Distribution Fully Carved DaPadova (Newer Model)
Instrumental Distribution Fully Carved DaPadova (Newer Model)
Instrumental Distribution Fully Carved DaPadova (Newer Model)
Instrumental Distribution Fully Carved DaPadova (Newer Model)
For the youngest beginners, a 1/10th size, probably Korean, bass. My chart on the appropriate bass sizes suggest if the young person is between 3’6″ (1.1 m) and 4’4″ (1.3 m), this might be a great choice!
A fully carved, gamba cornered bass from Concord Christopher
A Beautiful Chinese Amati Copy—comes as a fully-equipped outfit
The “Octagon” Bass!
One of my students claimed that it was actually a Dodecahedron… This bass measure out to normal 3/4 dimensions; it is set up and playable. Probably made in the late 40s by a clever craftsman, the original endpin was held in by a shim of a 1950 Sears Catalog.
I named this bass “Donny,” for the man I bought it from, Donny LaPlant. Donny was a very talented folk/old timey guitarist and singer. Sadly, he passed away from a brain tumor a few years back…
Andreas Morelli 100-year-old + Double Bass. Violin corners, custom tailpiece, and this bass is a real cannon!
This is a consignment bass in my shop. In my opinion, the owner is asking a very modest price, considering that this instrument is made in Germany (or Czechia) and it has a fingered “C” extension.
Bows. Bass bows come in two flavors, French & German. Below you will find a small sampling of our current inventory.
If your student is between 4’3″ (1.3 m) and 5’0″ (1.5 m), is very serious about her or his bass playing, and you are in a position to invest in a professional-quality, fully carved, German instrument, then this is for you!